2016 Illinois Farmland Values Report
Now you can order the 2016 Illinois Farmland Values and Lease Trends Report! Fill out the form below and we'll email you an invoice. (The report becomes available on March 17.)
Now you can order the 2016 Illinois Farmland Values and Lease Trends Report! Fill out the form below and we'll email you an invoice. (The report becomes available on March 17.)
(Boone, IA – August 27, 2014) Prices being paid for farmland across Illinois have seen a ‘softening’ of from 2.0 percent to 4.1 percent according to the Midyear Land Values Snapshot Survey done by the Illinois Society of Professional Farm…
The 2014 Illinois Land Values and Lease Trends Report is now available as a free download! Download Now.
(Bloomington, IL, March 20, 2014) The rate of increase in the value of Illinois farmland has flattened and lower grain prices are to blame, according to presentations made at the Illinois Land Values Conference held here today. Hosting the event…
Read about it in our 2014 Illinois Land Values and Lease Trends Report! We're ready to start shipping the complete report, available ONLY in printed form, and not as a downloadable PDF. If you haven't already, you can order your…
Now you can get your copy of the 2014 ISPFMRA Land Values Report! The report will be available for shipping after March 20. Download this form to order a copy of the 2014 Land Values Report.
What's Next for Farmland in the Midwest? So, you watched land values climb and climb and climb. Now there appears to be a lull. Commodity prices have dropped back to ‘normal.’ There is talk of rising interest rates. Have land…
Here's a look at the agenda of the upcoming conference, along with information on registration. You can fill out your registration form online here. Find lodging information at the bottom of this page. Download the agenda in PDF form. Wednesday, February…
The 2013 Illinois Land Values and Lease Trends Report is now available as a PDF download at no charge. This is a large file and may take a few minutes to download. Hard copies of the report are still available…
(Decatur, IL, August 28, 2013) While the number of Illinois farms being offered for sale is down compared to a year ago, the value for what is being sold is up modestly across the board, according to the 2013 Mid-Year…