ISPFMRA Spring 2015 Newsletter
Check out the ISPFMRA Spring 2015 Newsletter, now available for download!
Check out the ISPFMRA Spring 2015 Newsletter, now available for download!
Here's a summary of some of our recent farmland values presentations: Institutional Land Investment v2 1 (Gary Thien AFM, ARA) 2015 Illinois Farmland Values Lease Trends (Dale E. Aupperle, AFM, ARA Gary Schnitkey, Ph.D.) Farmland Values Show Minor Dip -- News Release
The ISPFMRA Summer Tour is coming soon! It will be happening July 16 and 17, based out of Lincoln, Ill. Weaver Popcorn in Forest City TN&W Irrigation in Manito Yield 360 Training Center in Morton River Valley Farm in Tremont Sysco…
Now you can order the 2016 Illinois Farmland Values and Lease Trends Report! Fill out the form below and we'll email you an invoice. (The report becomes available on March 17.)
Check out the ISPFMRA Winter 2015 Newsletter, now available for download!
(Boone, IA – August 27, 2014) Prices being paid for farmland across Illinois have seen a ‘softening’ of from 2.0 percent to 4.1 percent according to the Midyear Land Values Snapshot Survey done by the Illinois Society of Professional Farm…
The 2014 Illinois Land Values and Lease Trends Report is now available as a free download! Download Now.
(Bloomington, IL, March 20, 2014) The rate of increase in the value of Illinois farmland has flattened and lower grain prices are to blame, according to presentations made at the Illinois Land Values Conference held here today. Hosting the event…
Take a look at some of the presentations from our 2014 Farmland Values Conference. 2014 Illinois Farmland Values & Lease Trends - Dale E. Aupperle, AFM, ARA and Gary Schnitkey, Ph.D. What's Next for Farmland in the Midwest - Brent…
Read about it in our 2014 Illinois Land Values and Lease Trends Report! We're ready to start shipping the complete report, available ONLY in printed form, and not as a downloadable PDF. If you haven't already, you can order your…