Order a 2013 Farmland Values Report
You can order a 2013 Land Values report! Just download the form linked below to place your order. Order Form.pdf Note: There is a correction to one of the tables in the report. This is for Region 5, on page…
You can order a 2013 Land Values report! Just download the form linked below to place your order. Order Form.pdf Note: There is a correction to one of the tables in the report. This is for Region 5, on page…
The 2013 Illinois Land Values Conference is coming up quickly! It will be held March 13-14 at the Parke Hotel and Conference Center in Bloomington. The March 14 activities will be open to the public. (Pre-order a copy of the…
There's an interesting article about transparency and profitability on today's farms at Brownfield Ag News. Tom Steever spoke with Kay Johnson Smith, the CEO of the Animal Agriculture Alliance. Here's the takeaway nugget: "The more that we can be transparent…
The value of farmland across Illinois continues rising, and while the rate of increase has slowed somewhat, prices are expected to continue upward, according to the Mid-Year Land Values snapshot survey conducted by the Illinois Society of Professional Farm Managers…
The 2012 Land Values Report from the ISPFMRA is available! Here's a peek at what we found. Land prices and returns to farmland leases have continued their strong move up, uninterrupted now for a several year run, hitting new highs…
ISPFMRA is offering a course titled "Using Excel® in Specified Appraisal Applications" on August 15th in Champaign, Illinois. The course will run all day (8am-5pm) at the Hilton Garden Inn. For the beginner to advanced user, this seminar will move…
Join us on the ISPFMRA Summer Tour 2012! Events include University of Illinois Agronomy Day, a crop production technology update, and a tour of the University of Illinois Ag Library. Download the agenda and registration form for details. If you…
Joyce Watson, president and CEO of the Illinois Agricultural Leadership Foundation, was presented with the Outstanding Service to Illinois Agriculture Award by the Illinois Society of Professional Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers at that organization’s annual meeting held here February…
Jerry R. Hicks, AFM, partner and treasurer of Agrivest, Inc., Springfield, IL, was inducted into the Illinois Society of Professional Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers’ Hall of Fame during the organization’s annual meeting held here recently. “Jerry epitomizes all the…
Here are 30 facts culled from the 2012 Illinois Land Value report. 1. Both Land Values and Lease Trends continue higher into 2012, and are expected to stay strong as long as crop income levels hold or increase. 2. Price…