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Welcome to our directory of ISPFMRA members. The directory is searchable by category (using the list on the left side of the page) or by keyword. Using the search box, you can find members by name, city, ZIP code, or any other keyword.

To search specifically by city, go here.

(Note that many members serve areas far beyond the addresses shown in their listing.)

Steven Myers , AFM

Busey Ag Services
Work 301 E Cedar St PO Box 107 Le Roy IL 61752-1709 Work Phone: (309) 962-2311 Cell Phone: 309-275-4402
Categories: Ag Consultant, Licensed Real Estate Broker, Professional Farm Manager

Members: to add or make changes to your directory listing, you’ll need to register here. When you’ve finished, find your listing, click your name, then log in using the information you enter below. Once you’re logged in, you’ll see a link to allow you to edit your listing.

Members: register to add or edit your listing.

Only administrators can add new users.

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