Welcome to our directory of ISPFMRA members. The directory is searchable by category (using the list on the left side of the page) or by keyword. Using the search box, you can find members by name, city, ZIP code, or any other keyword.
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(Note that many members serve areas far beyond the addresses shown in their listing.)
Work 1625 e 2300 North Rd Findlay Illinois 62534
Work Phone: 217-521-0960
Work Email: brucecannon@cannonappraisals.com
Categories: State-Certified Appraiser
Glen Carlson , ARA-Retired
Glen Carlson AppraisalCategories: Licensed Real Estate Broker
Work 24815 Nighthawk Rd Hudson IL 61748-7508
Work Phone: (309) 825-7292
Work Email: carmichaelag@gmail.com
Categories: Ag Consultant, State-Certified Appraiser
Hans Carmien
Busey Ag ServicesCategories: Uncategorized
Mike Chandler
Illinois Dept of Natural ResourcesCategories: Uncategorized
Chris Clement , AFM
Bank of PontiacCategories: Professional Farm Manager
Donald Cochran , ARA
Cochran Ag Services, Inc.Categories: State-Certified Appraiser
Work 200 W Vine St Le Roy IL 61752-1753
Work Phone: (309) 825-9369
Work Email: mackfarms100@gmail.com
Categories: Uncategorized
Daniel Corrie
Corrie Appraisal & Consulting, Inc.Categories: State-Certified Appraiser
Thomas Courson
Field Level Agriculture, IncCategories: Uncategorized
Brent Crane
First Financial BankCategories: Ag Consultant, Professional Farm Manager
Dan Cribben , AFM, ARA
Cribben Valuation ServiceCategories: Licensed Real Estate Broker, State-Certified Appraiser
Jeremy Crouch
Heartland Ag Group, LtdCategories: Professional Farm Manager, State-Certified Appraiser
Bret Cude , AFM
Farmers National CompanyCategories: Ag Consultant, Licensed Real Estate Managing Broker, Professional Farm Manager
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