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Award presentation

Pat Tomlinson Receives Honorary/Lifetime Membership

Longtime colleague and Affiliate member Pat Tomlinson, at right in photo, was honored at the Annual Meeting on February 8 by being given an Honorary/Lifetime Membership in the Chapter.

In making the presentation, Immediate Past President Kent Reid noted that Pat has been a ‘Member’s member who’s really not a member, as such” and noted that even through career changes “Pat has always been there for the Chapter, asking ‘How can I help? or “What can I do?”

In the inset photo Ernie Moody congratulates Pat who was ‘shocked’ to be named. “I kept hearing these descriptions read by Kent and kept wondering ‘Who are they talking about,’ and then he called my name.”

Pat served with the Chapter for years as the representative for Pioneer/Corteva and more recently is with Ag Spectrum Company.

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